Remodel: Casa KS

Peñuelas, Puerto Rico

This project involved the design of various elements for an existing residence: a completely remodeled facade and entry sequence, a series of covered terraces for the backyard, a pool and open patio areas. As with other facade projects, we tried to establish a new aesthetic that would differentiate the tract house from its neighbors, but maintaining some sense of order that respects the volumetric organization of the existing structure. The idea for the backyard improvements was to design a series of spaces that relate and connect, but that remain distinct and separate as they are occupied and used for different purposes: sitting, eating, cooking, contemplating, etc. So instead of a large covered terrace, three separate roofed areas are proposed; paved areas are divided in segments, and the pool was designed as two pieces at different levels.

Status: Design / Year: 2018 / Program: Private residence remodel / Remodel Area: 2,000 sf / Client: Private / Architect: Ayala Rubio Arquitectura / Project Team: Luis Ayala Rubio AIA, Catherine Graubard Quiñones AIT, Phillip Vélez Colón AIT, Samuel Nigaglioni Arroyo / Structural: David Smith Lao P.E.


Casa Abierta


Remodel: Casa FG